With the holiday season right around the corner, you may be taking a look at your budget. This time of year typically brings on higher expenses. In order to ensure you don’t have to dip into your emergency fund, you may want to think about using one of these ways to make more money during the holiday season.
Get A Seasonal Job
This time of year, many companies are looking to fill part-time jobs. The area you will be most successful in is retail. Stores look to hire people to keep up with the pace of holiday shoppers. Be sure to contact all your local retailers to see if they have any openings.
Additionally, you may be able to ask your boss for extra hours in the holiday season to try to make more money. If neither of those options work, it may help to contact a staffing agency. However, this may require you to pay an upfront cost to them finding you a job. If you are able to get a seasonal job, it could go a long way toward keeping you on budget during the holidays.
Sell Crafts
If you are the artsy type, selling your crafts may help bring in extra money. There are many holiday-themed crafts that you can potentially sell during this time. Some simple ideas include homemade wreaths and Christmas ornaments. No matter what you make, try finding a craft fair where you can set up a station. This will give you some exposure and hopefully allow you to bring in some extra money. Online auction sites, such as eBay, may be another place where you can sell your creations.
Sell Baked Goods
Another thing you may be able to sell is baked goods. The holiday season is a popular time for cookies and cakes, so if you are a good baker, you may be able to make some extra cash. You can sell them to friends and family members or find a local bake sale to participate in. You could even advertise your own bake sale if there aren’t any in the area. Many people bring baked goods to holiday parties or offer them as gifts, so they are in high demand this time of year.…